Quantum Hypnosis and Galactic Discovery

Journey deep into your multidimensional experience.

Unlock your quantum powers.

Heal your soul.

Holding space for you…

With over twenty years experience studying spirituality and consciousness, I’m here to guide you on an adventure through the multifaceted journey that your soul is on.

Quantum Hypnosis allows our conscious mind to take a step back and enter into a space where we connect to our higher self, guides, and parallel fractals of our oversoul. I will gently guide you into a Theta state where we are able to go through time to other lifetimes or incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in the subconscious mind.

As we explore the deeply resonant memories that you have experienced, you will attain the knowledge to catalyze the healing of your multidimensional self and nonlinear path.

Through Quantum Hypnosis, you are able to make a direct connection to your Higher Self, your Soul’s intuition. In this space, questions are answered regarding your path, gifts, challenges, relationships, and deep levels of healing are achieved.

This is an opportunity for you to become the direct channel to your multifaceted soul…

Frequently Asked Questions…

  • What are the steps that happen AFTER I book a session with you?

    • Our journey begins with an hour long consultation. During this first meeting, I will further explain the modality, and get to know you and your path. We will set your intention for your hypnosis session, and formulate a list of questions to ask your Higher Self. Once this session is booked, you will receive payment information ($350), and your hypnosis session will be scheduled. Your hypnosis session will be scheduled no later than one week post-consultation. We will then meet a third time for approximately an hour to debrief from your session and talk about how you can further integrate all that you have received and experienced during your session.

  • What happens exactly during my session?

    • Your hypnosis session begins with breath and energy work to slow your heart rate and relax your body and mind. Through this process, we are able to enter a Theta brain wave state. This is the state that we are in when we are just falling asleep, waking up, or in deep meditation. It is the brain state that allows our conscious mind to relax and step back, and allows us to connect with your soul’s experience and your own inner wisdom. In the, first part of your session you will access and experience past lives pertaining to the intention you set. In the second part of the session, you will connect to your Higher Self either intuitively or by channeling, and we will ask the list of prepared questions you are seeking guidance on.

  • Will I be unconscious?

    • Nope! We call this process “hypnosis”, because you are inducted into a different state. However, when you are in this meditational state, you are still fully aware and able to communicate. Your conscious mind takes a step back, yes, but you are still connected to your body and functioning. You are even able to take a break to use the restroom if need be, and relax back into the hypnotic state. You will be able to talk me through everything you are experiencing, but we leave the part of our conscious mind to “figure it out” until after your session.

  • What if it doesn’t work? Do you have a refund policy?

    • Quantum hypnosis works for many people the first time they try. However, for some it can take a bit more practice. Stepping into the unknown without ever having a multidimensional experience can be confusing for some on their first attempt. So, if your first session isn’t successful, I offer a gratis re-attempt. I do not offer refunds, but I do offer re-trys!

  • How/why does virtual hypnosis work?

    • Great question! There are many reasons why virtual hypnosis is awesome. First, you get to be in the comfort of your own space. It is in this sanctuary of yours that you are most able to relax and unwind. You are also there in your space post-session to decompress and rest. Second, when you receive hypnosis virtually, you are wearing headphones and get the clearest way to hear my voice and soundtrack. This allows you to tap in and disconnect the best from your conscious mind. Third, the benefit of using a platform like Zoom, is that I am able to capture a clear mp4 recording of your session that you can listen to as often as you’d like!

  • Will I forget what happens? What does it feel like?

    • The amount retained is different for everybody. Some may not retain all of what they experience, and some retain most. Hypnosis is experienced differently by everyone. Some of us tap into different senses, whether it be visionary or auditory. Some experience full body memories and feel energy physically. Some see images, and some experience full dream-like sequences. Which ever way you experience it, we always hold onto the information and guidance that we download. We also have a recording to refer back to any time to bring it back to the forefront of our minds.

  • Is it safe?

    • Yes! Quantum Hypnosis is a safe space for you to explore your multidimensional consciousness. We are not altering or changing any functioning, and you are present and in-control. As a healer who takes on great responsibility during this process, I do ask that you are in a safe and grounded state & present and open to receive.

Please feel free to fill out form below with other questions you may have…

The Process…

  • 1:1 Quantum Hypnosis Package

    In your first meeting, we will explore what has led you to this place of seeking deeper knowledge about yourself. It is in this space that I get to know you, introduce you to the modality, set your intention for your hypnosis session and questions that you have to ask your guides and higher self.

    After you have completed your Intake Consultation, we will schedule your hypnosis session. During this 2-2.5 hour soul adventure, you will be guided into deep theta meditation to access memories from other lifetimes and receive guidance from your higher self pertaining to your intention and questions set in your intake consultation.

    In a third meeting, we will debrief and discuss integrating your new knowledge into your life!

    Sessions facilitated via zoom. Your first booking will be for your hour long intake consultation.


Do you have more questions?

Please feel free to send me a message!